:py:mod:`src.costs.full_shape_gradient` ======================================= .. py:module:: src.costs.full_shape_gradient Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: src.costs.full_shape_gradient.Full_shape_gradient .. py:class:: Full_shape_gradient(path_config_file=None, config=None) Put together all the costs .. py:method:: get_surface(self, param_S_array) Return the surface associated with the 1D input :param param_S_array: a float 1D array :rtype: Surface .. py:method:: cost(self, param_S_array) .. py:method:: shape_gradient(self, param_S_array) Full_shape_gradient only needs the surface parametrization :param param_S_array: :type param_S_array: 1D array :return: the shape gradient :rtype: 1D array