Set your own settings for your simulations ============================================= The input of stellacode is a config file with INI text-structure. This file contain all the numerical parameters and a link to the surfaces files and the bnorm file. the config file ----------------- :: [geometry] np = 3 # The number of discrete symmetry needed to obtain the full torus ntheta_plasma = 64 # nb of toroidal points of the plasma used numerically (on one section) ntheta_coil = 64 # nb of toroidal points of the CWS used numerically (on one section) nzeta_plasma = 64 # nb of poloidal points of the plasma used numerically nzeta_coil = 64 # nb of poloidal points of the plasma used numerically mpol_coil = 12 # higher order of the Fourier harmonics in the toroidal(?) direction ntor_coil = 12 # higher order of the Fourier harmonics in the poloidal(?) direction path_plasma = data/li383/plasma_surf.txt path_cws = data/li383/cws.txt [other] path_bnorm = data/li383/bnorm.txt net_poloidal_current_amperes = 11884578.094260072 net_toroidal_current_amperes = 0. curpol = 4.9782004309255496 # an unknown constant in front of bnorm... path_output = with_curv # output folder lamb = 2.5e-16 # lambda used in EM cost for the Tychonov regularization dask = True # Do not change cupy = False # Do not change [dask_parameters] # chunk for dask, do not modify if you do not know what you are doing chunk_theta_coil=32 chunk_zeta_coil=32 chunk_theta_plasma=32 chunk_zeta_plasma=32 chunk_theta=17 [optimization_parameters] # The important section ;-) freq_save=100 # max_iter=2000 # number of iteration of the optimization algorithm (lower than the number of cost call) d_min=True # penalize low distance to plasma d_min_hard = 0.18 # wall d_min_soft= 0.20 # beginning of the penalization d_min_penalization=1000 # constant factor, a priori not very useful perim=True # penalization of the perimeter perim_c0=56 # beginning of the penalization perim_c1=60 # wall curvature=True # penalization of the inverse of the curvature radii curvature_c0=13 # beginning of the penalization curvature_c1=15 # beginning of wall Note that the unit of the different quantities are - Ampere (A) for the currents - unknown for curpol... - metter (m) for the distance to the plasma - metter square (m^2) for the perimeter - inverse of the metter (m^-1) for the curvature (i.e. principal curvatures) the surface files ----------------- The surface files have the form : :: 0 0 1.3278E+00 0.0000E+00 0 1 4.2527E-03 -2.4153E-02 0 2 4.6118E-05 -9.3831E-03 0 3 7.1383E-03 3.4517E-03 0 4 5.0157E-03 2.3650E-03 0 5 1.6390E-03 9.4419E-04 0 6 -2.4003E-04 -9.4647E-04 0 7 -1.2541E-04 1.8339E-04 where for each row we have :: m n Rmn Zmn the bnorm file ----------------- the bnorm file has a similar structure :: 0 -24 1.7668311833075789E-11 where for each row we have :: m n Bmn