About me

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I am an Assistant Professor (Chargé de Recherche) at the Centre Automatique et systèmes at Mines Paris, PSL University specializing in Applied Mathematics and a member of the Inria team QUANTIC. My primary research interests lie in optimal control and optimization, with a particular emphasis on geometric applications. The key areas of my research encompass:

  • Quantum control: My focus within this domain is to leverage classical optimal control theory tools and apply them to quantum mechanics. This aims to develop more efficient, accurate, and robust methods for controlling quantum systems. The applications of this research extend to diverse fields such as medical imaging, chemical reactions control, quantum sensing, quantum computing, and, more recently, quantum error corrections.

  • Optimization and shape optimization for nuclear fusion reactors: Specifically, my work centers around Stellarators, collaborating with Stellacage and Renaissance fusion. I am interested both in theoretical aspects, like existence of minimizer in shape optimization, and numerical implementation.

  • Optimal control theory
  • Quantum control
  • Open quantum systems
  • Differential geometry
  • Shape optimization
  • Numerical optimization
  • Dynamical systems
  • PhD in Applied Mathematics, 2019-2022

    Sorbonne Université, Paris, France

  • M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics, 2018-2019

    Sorbonne Université, Paris, France

  • Dipl. ing. in Mathematics, minor in Physics and Computer Science, 2015-2018

    Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau, France

  • Classes préparatoires MPSI-> MP*, 2013-2015

    Lycée Hoche, Versailles, France


[P2] Shape optimization of harmonic helicity in toroidal domains, 2024.

Preprint Cite

[P1] Convergence of bipartite open quantum systems stabilized by reservoir engineering, 2023.

Preprint Cite

Journal article

[J8] Existence of surfaces optimizing geometric and PDE shape functionals under reach constraint, Interfaces and Free Boundaries, 2024.

Preprint Cite DOI

[J7] Small-time global null controllability of generalized Burgers' equations, ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 2023.

Cite DOI

[J6] Chattering phenomenon in quantum optimal control, New Journal of Physics, 2022.

Preprint Cite DOI

[J5] Minimization of magnetic forces on stellarator coils, Nuclear Fusion, 2022.

Preprint Cite DOI

[J4] Optimal shape of stellarators for magnetic confinement fusion, Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 2022.

Preprint Cite DOI

[J3] Ensemble qubit controllability with a single control via adiabatic and rotating wave approximations, Journal of Differential Equations, 2022.

Preprint Cite DOI

[J2] A Two-Step Model of Human Entrainment: A Quantitative Study of Circadian Period and Phase of Entrainment, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 2021.

Cite DOI

[J1] Calibration of a magnetometer array using motion capture equipment, Asian Journal of Control, 2019.

Cite DOI

Conference Paper

[C1] Stability and decoherence rates of a GKP qubit protected by dissipation, proceedings of the 22nd IFAC World Congress, 2023.

Preprint Cite DOI


Oct 2022 – Present Paris, France
2024 – Present : Associate Professor (Chargé de Recherche),
2022 – 2024 : Postdoctoral researcher.
PhD Student
Sep 2019 – Sep 2022 Paris, France

My PhD manuscript can be found here. My supervisors were Profs. Ugo Boscain and Mario Sigalotti. I got the following awards for my work:

Research intern
Apr 2018 – Aug 2018 Camden, NJ, USA
On the application of the measure differential equations to concentration equations, under the supervision of Prof. Benedetto Piccoli.
Research engineer intern
Jun 2017 – Aug 2017 Vernon, France
On the calibration of a magnetometer array using motion capture equipment.
