Run a shape optimization¶
To run a shape optimization, you have to write a configurations file with the optimization (number of iterations, costs to use…)
The launcher script¶
Stellacode contain a python script called launcher in the root of Stellacode. It takes a config name as argument and run a simulation.
python path_to_config_file
The script will save the following
The config file given (under the name config.ini)
A log file (log.txt)
The intermediate results at the rate given in the config file (a new file each time)
The final result (result)
the repository tmp/ has to be created before launching the script
Plot and compares the results¶
You can use the notebook show_simu.ipynb in the root folder of Stellacode to extract all the simulation folder generated by the execution of It provides plot examples and a latex array comparison.
Customize on your cluster¶
In order to ensure a reasonnable Parallelization, Stellacode uses Dask (only for the most costly part, it would be great to use it for everything). We refer to the Dask documentation for further details.
- Several layers of parallelization takes place in Stellacode:
Dask will parallelize the Task graph generated (which increase for smaller chunks)
Numpy parallelize all linear algebra computations.
As a consequence, it is important to limit numpy cores usage (for a single thread). For example if numpy uses MKL, you can use the following line before importing numpy.
os.environ["MKL_NUM_THREADS"] = "4" # export MKL_NUM_THREADS=6